Promotion vs. Production: Finding Balance
I had an art mentor one time who told me there were only two steps to making great art: Get the audience’s attention. Keep it. Easier said than done. The thing is, I’m only one person. I need to find a way to balance the creation of the product, with the...
How to Use Facial Expressions in a Comic (Scene 3, Page 4 Breakdown)
I’ve been trying to write a blog post about my “process” (which makes it sound a lot more orderly than it is) for ages, and I keep not finishing, because I have too much to say. This, however, I know how to talk about. Here’s a tiny chunk of a...
Sunglasses are Cool
What I do when I get stressed out: Dip into the big ol’ reference folder and scribble. I learned a lot about hands here. Also about looking down and looking mildly surprised without looking stoned. Tough expression. Could have just open the lids more, but I draw...